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Monday, August 30, 2010

An expensive lesson learned...

Bonjour! Our stay in Paris came and went extremely fast. Well, I guess I can't say it came really fast, because we had the worst luck ever getting there.  We had a flight booked from London to Paris in the morning, getting us to Paris in time for the first Rock en Seine show we wanted to see.  The flight was on Easy Jet, out of Luton Airport, not the airport we flew into.  We tried to check in online from the hostel 3 hours before the flight, but it kept telling us that the flight had already flown...very strange, so we decided to just head to the airport.  Little did we know that it would take several subway changes, a train ride, and a bus ride to get to the airport. 

As we got closer to the airport and closer to take off time, we got more and more nervous, but still had some hope left.  However, all hope was diminished as soon as we arrived to the airport and saw the incredibly long line we had to wait in.  I waited in the line while Daniel went to the last minute check in desk.  He finally found out that we had missed check in by 15 minutes, even though there was still 45 minutes until the flight.  There were of course no other flights to Paris that day, so we bought another train ticket back to the airport, and got a Chunnel ticket which takes you under the English Channel.  I'm not even going to tell you how much we calculated this mistake to have cost us. 

Keep in mind that we are hauling around at least 50 lbs each, so you can imagine how much pain our back and feet were in.  We took it all in stride, and while we weren't in the best mood, we weren't too upset because, after all, we are in Europe. The Chunnel ride was perfect.  We started it off with a bottle of wine, cheersing to the worst day ever.  We saw beautiful landscape and small towns on the way.  I would definitely recommend this route to anyone traveling between these two cities.  Just be prepared for some major ear popping.

After arriving in Paris, we made a guess as to which stop on the Metro would take us to our hostel.  After getting off at our stop, we must have looked pretty confused because a French guy around our age stopped and asked if we needed help.  We started walking with him because he said it was the way he was going to his sister's birthday party, and he could point us in the right direction...except that he actually took us in the wrong direction and we ended up leaving him and retracing our steps and finding our hostel fairly close to where we started.  He was really nice and trying to be helpful, but apparently didn't know the area as well as he thought.  Oh well, it was interesting conversation.

So finally we made it to the hostel and got settled!  More on Paris to come, but I'm in a cafe and can't upload my pictures yet.  Don't worry the rest of the trip went much better!


The Photo Goo said...

Thanks for the update! I can't wait to hear all the details. Hopefully this will be the only hiccup.

charles0142 said...

Just read everything to Papaw. Can't tell you how much he is enjoying your blog. It leads to his stories of being overseas which are so awesome too. He is so positive and upbeat. Told me to tell you that even the not so great days will leave you both with memories of a life time. Just enjoy each day as it comes. Dad sends his love and said to let him know if you need anything. All my love - mom